how to get Nth NODE FROM THE END OF A LINKED LIST solution 1: Time complexity O(n); space complexity O(1) int getNthFromLast(node *head, int n) { node *fa st =head; node * slow =head; for (int i =1; i<n;i++){ if ( fast ==0) return -1; fast =fast->next; } while (fast->next!=0){ fast =fast->next; slow =slow->next; } return slow->data; } solution 2: using stack Space complexity O(n) Time complexity O(n) int getNthFromLast(node *head, int n) { stack< int > s; node *cu = head; int count = 0 ; while (cu != 0 ) { s. push (cu->data); cu = cu-> next ; ++ count ; } if ( count < n) { return - 1 ; } while (n != 1 ) { s. pop (); --n; } return; }`` int getNthFromLast(node *head, int n) { node *fast = head; node *slow = head; //...